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Is Your Behavior Sabotaging Your Marriage?

My dream was to be married for life. I made that life decision when I was thirteen years old. Yet, I kept sabotaging my dream. My behavior toward Janet and our marriage was a destructive force that nearly destroyed us.

I remember once when I was seeking the Lord in order to save my marriage. The Lord reminded me in a gentle way that I had reaped what I had sown.


I knew right away that He was not putting the blame on me for anything Janet was doing wrong. He was simply letting me see how I had destroyed our marriage with the hurtful ways I had treated her.

Those words broke my heart and gave me hope at the same time. I needed to know that our marriage problems were not all Janet’s fault. She chose to give up on our marriage. But the Lord would not let me get away with pointing all the blame at her. And at the same time, I felt hope. I knew that sowing and reaping could work for my good as well. I knew I should start sowing good seeds of love. Read more