When I think of the countless men and women who are fighting to save their marriage, my heart breaks and my eyes fill with tears. I may not know who you are or exactly what your situation looks like. But I do know how it feels when you cry, “Oh God, I can’t do this on my own!”
The pain in your heart is deeper than words can convey and the waves of torment that flood your mind are too much to bear. You fight through rejection and confusion and there are times you simply want to give up, but you won’t. There are times when you want to cave into anger and bitterness, but you know you can’t. And then there are times when you just want to fall apart, but you don’t.
You fight, you stand, you hang on because you believe in your marriage. You love your spouse because you love your family. Losing your spouse and family is not what you signed up for and you now find yourself going through HELL trying to keep your world from falling apart.
But this mountain is too big, this giant is too strong, so you cry out to God for help. Because you know you can’t do this on your own. You need His strength just to face another day. His comfort to soothe the pain in your heart. His peace to calm the storm in your mind. You are finding more and more every day that you need the Lord as you have never needed Him before.
Does this sound like you? Is this where you are at? I don’t want to come across as insensitive or uncaring, because I do care. You are the reason we do what we do with this ministry God has given us.
So I have to encourage you today with this.
If you are in a place where you’re crying out to God and letting Him know how you can’t do this without Him. If you have reached the end of what is possible for you. All you have left is your total dependence on the Lord, then I have to say, “great.” This is right where you need to be.
If this battle you’re in has brought you to totally depend on Jesus. If you are saying you can’t do it without Him, you can’t live without Him, you can’t breathe without Him. When your life has now become completely and wholeheartedly surrendered to Him. Let me be so bold as to say this is a great place for you to be.
Don’t get me wrong, I am so sorry your marriage is in trouble. I do pray and hope your situation turns around. But I can’t tell you enough how much this place of going deeper in your relationship with the Lord will mean to you for the rest of your life. I honestly believe my walk with the Lord would not be what it is today if I had not been through what you’re going through now.
At the risk of sounding overconfident or naive. I really do believe if my marriage had not been restored I would still be saying the same. Because I know how real God became to me during those dark days. I can still feel how He comforted me when my heart was breaking. I’m still thankful for how it felt to know the Lord was with me and would not forsake me even when I felt forsaken by my wife. And the places where I went to spend time with God will always have a special place in my heart. Like the spot where I stood by the river on many occasions in the photo below.
I have felt the Lord’s peace and love flood over me when I thought I would lose my mind from the pain I was going through. I have heard His word speaking into my heart when I needed direction for the steps I needed to take. His loving words have corrected me when I was wrong. And while I needed to know I was wrong, I was also encouraged to know He was correcting me as His son. (Hebrews 12:6-7)
So again, I pray God has His way with your marriage. I hope to hear many more testimonies just like ours, of what God has done to bring restoration into marriages everywhere.
But I hope and pray for more than your marriage restoration. I also pray that every part of you that thinks you can do this without God will be completely surrendered to Him. And I pray that as much as you love your spouse and you want your marriage to be restored, may your relationship with the Lord always be more important to you than anything else.
Need Ka Prayer For My Marriage
This post changed my entire life. I mean this truthfully from my heart. Without these words I would never have encountered Jesus and the Holy Spirit. God spoke through this gentlemen. God spoke to me on that night even though he is light. He heard every single thing I had said. I sought him, and he answered me. He delivered me from all of my fears. I have no words, no. Too many words, to express on how Jesus, god changed me forever amen. I pray for everyone who comes across this beautiful post. I know god will help you if you choose to seek him, and he will be right there waiting to walk with you on the path to righteousness and peace. Forever and ever to eternal life.